Collaborated with various structural teams at engineering design firm MKA by performing loading analysis, design, and detailing of building systems in both steel and concrete on high rise and mixed-use projects:
• Developed web and mobile applications to make solar installation easier and more efficient by researching specific needs of solar installers: what tools are used, what are the largest inefficiencies in current design, and how can this information be used to inform product features and development
• Developed Python tools to sort financial incentives available to solar customers in the US by zip code
Quantified and implemented an extended SEIR model to quantify infection dynamics in the Bay Area and New York to inform a series of medium articles surrounding risk in relation to the disease
Developed web app to predict key risk metrics (including financial losses and business downtime) in various earthquake scenarios using Monte Carlo simulations and simplified building analysis methods using Julia, Python, and MongoDB
Managed team of students to develop a Python/Tcl-based platform that enables structural topology optimization using intuitive frontend software (Rhino 3D) and powerful finite element solving backend software (Altair OptiStruct)
Stanford Varsity
Swim Team Captain
Urban Dancer
-1 ACL Club